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Deadly Balcony Fall in Mallorca: German Tourist Dies After Ascending to Room Under the Influence


A German tourist tragically lost their life in a fatal balcony fall while on vacation in Mallorca. The incident occurred at a hotel on the island's Playa de Palma.

Investigation Findings

Authorities investigating the accident have determined that the German national was intoxicated at the time of the incident. The tourist attempted to climb onto their hotel room's balcony but fell from a height of approximately 12 meters.

The investigation revealed that the balcony was not properly secured, and it is believed that the victim lost their balance and fell. Witnesses reported hearing a loud noise before seeing the tourist lying on the ground.

Preventive Measures

In response to the tragic incident, authorities are urging tourists to be cautious when consuming alcohol and to avoid balconies with insufficient safety measures. Hotels are advised to regularly inspect and maintain their balconies to ensure they meet safety standards.
