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Can Tampa Bay Area Scouts Sell Off Land

Can Tampa Bay Area Scouts Sell Off Land?

Spring Hill Reservation Land Dispute

The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) is engaged in a dispute with residents in the Spring Hill community over the potential sale of a major portion of its 245-acre reservation. The BSA is reportedly seeking to sell off approximately 100 acres of undeveloped land, which has sparked concerns among nearby residents who fear the loss of green space, increased traffic, and other negative impacts from new development in the area.

BSA's Financial Troubles

The BSA, which is facing financial challenges, has stated that the sale of the Spring Hill land is necessary to help fund its operations and support its mission of providing scouting programs to youth. The BSA has been working on a plan to sell the land for years and says the expected proceeds will be used to maintain and develop other BSA properties, including Camp La-No-Che, a 1,300-acre scout camp in the Withlacoochee State Forest.
